Mysteries of the Brain

Mysteries of the brain, is a mystery that is still not completely revealed to us all even though technology has advanced. According to research, the human brain is contained in the human head is protected by the order of the head (skull). It weighs 1.5 kg and has a 10 billion neuron cells. Each neuron is interconnected with 10 thousand other neurons through millions of wires and terminals in the brain. The result of billions of brain cells that are able to determine intent, thought to carry away, emotions, and attitudes.
The research revealed that the chemical is found in brain cells called neurons Conductor Transmitter. In addition, also found that brain cells charged magnetic crystals that interact with the earth wave or electro magnetic field, this can lead to the sick or growing cancer in the brain.

Various kinds of brain
The brain is divided into the right brain and left brain. In accordance with a different layout, it was the right brain and left brain functions and also has a different character.
  Human brain has the right character: rhythm, awareness, space, imagination, daydreaming, color, and dimensions.
Humans have characters left hemisphere: word, logic, numbers, sequence, linearity, analysis, and lists.

How the brain works
The brain is not a constant, but the brain can be affected by external factors. The more influence or stimuli given to the brain, the more the networks and connections. Thus, a person's intelligence is determined by genetic factors but also greatly influenced by environmental factors.

the brain needs
The brain is an organ at the center of our body, therefore it requires oxygen and a healthy diet. Nutritious food that is combined with oxygen is a source of energy for the brain.

Thus an article about the mysteries of the brain this time
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Implications of Social Beings

Implications of social beings. Human beings are destined to have a personality where personality is not necessarily even highly unlikely the same as anyone else. Personality does not have published it to others even more people who are very closed.
Than as a personal being, man is also predestined to be a social creature, which in the running life, human nature will never let go of their dependence on others, need each others lives.
Life is a mutual give and accept one another, harmony, peace becomes human goals and dreams. Social behavior in the social life of society, which at the time we need help, help ease the burdens of others, should have acted selflessly (voluntarily) because we are social beings who are not likely to live alone .. Not nonsense, if the culture of hard work and social behavior can be acted by all components in this life according to tasks, functions, and responsibilities of each, prosperity and welfare would be achieved, without any more gaps and social jealousy.
Therefore, in our lives has taught culture of hard work and prevailing social life in the knitting world.
Present polite culture which is very rare to encounter in everyday life, it is still quite a lot can be found at the outposts of the country. Peaceful society, sincere, and polite to everyone she met. Indiscriminately against ordinary people or not. Ironically now, the people who like this considered a backward society or others who call it negative.
In fact, cultures like these that we must keep its preservation where it nimerupakan our shared responsibility. How very unfortunate, if this culture to disappear even tarnished by behavior that seems to have good morals and modern but not uncivilized.
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Zakat and Taxes

ZAKAT AND TAXESBesides there are some similarities, between zakat and taxation, there is also a very fundamental difference. Many parties proposed that zakat and tax equivalent and incorporated it, because it is burdensome to Muslim citizens. The proposal was justified by differences in zakat and tax records must be completed first.First, every individual Muslim in his status as citizens, rich and poor affected taxpayers, according to the legislation in force. While obliged to pay zakat for Muslims with the provisions of the dispossessed, those who can not afford not required to tithe.
Second, the charity is eternal as long as there are Muslims and the religion of Allah on earth is still tangible. In contrast to taxes, it is highly dependent on the situation, the condition of social progress - politics, the changing times and the corresponding urgensional.Third, the tax has social value, but it can not be separated from materialist values, while zakat is a tool or a means to an end spiritiual mental, social and noble character, and not the purpose of material.Fourth, the percentage set by Allah SWT zakat, which is 10%, 5% and 2.5%. Should not be increased or decreased no matter what. 
 In contrast to taxes, the percentage depends on government policy and development needs. So the tax at any time can be reduced, increased, sometimes even can also be removed altogether, depending on government policy.Fifth, Zakat does not recognize differences of race, citizenship and social status. All those who reach nishab haul and, subject to zakat, even though she foreigners, members of the diplomatic corps, officials and others - others are in the tax law exempted or alleviated.  
However, the sixth, otherwise it does not recognize tax rich or poor, able or not able, any citizen who registered taxpayers, should pay taxes. Though charity to clearly differentiate between mustadl'afin and mustathi '.Seventh, the government pulled the tax is not limited to lawful business or something alone, but include items that "Haram", such as liquor, gambling and prostitution, while zakat funds should be generated from the net.Eighth, in terms of distribution, zakat is limited strictly by God only to"Al - Al Tsaminah Ashnaf", or often called mustadl'afin groups, namely the weak and incapable.
The principle of zakat is the maximum for the class who can not afford(Mustahiq), while Muzakki did not enjoy it.While the distribution is less clear tax policy depends on the ruler, even less so the tax would have on the distribution of the parties of the rich and capable (class mustathi '). 
Thus zakat and taxation can not be executed directly comparable because of the tax in principle, only the operational costs of development, while zakat is the only tool or a way to resolve the tendency of capital accumulation (kapitalitalisme) as a cosmological trend. With the charity that gave birth to the capitalist inequality and injustice, will be resolved completely.
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Fadilah Tarawih Prayers

Fadilah Tarawih Prayers

  1.   The first night was a believer out of his sin as the first born
  2.   The second is the night Allah forgives him and his parents from his sins
  3.   The third night is Allah will forgive his sins which formerly
  4.   Night of the fourth is like the reward of people who read the law, the Gospel, the Psalms and the Quran.
  5.   Night to-5 is Allah swt reward such people to pray in the Haram and the Prophet's Mosque and the Mosque Aqso.
  6.   Night-6 is to Allah swt reward as the person doing the tawaf at Baitul Makmur.
  7.   Night-7 is like to reward people who menututi Moses and helped him defeat the Fir, Äôaun.
  8.   Night to-8 is Allah swt reward as given in the Prophet Ibrahim.
  9.   Night of the 9th is like worship of the Prophet Muhammad.
  10.   Night-10 is to give good luck in the world and the hereafter baek.
  11.   Night-11 to the believers of Allah is forgiven all his sins like being born again.
  12.   Night of the 12th is God Almighty will make his face later when His face like a full moon.
  13.   Night of the 13th is the Day of Resurrection the believers to God Almighty, without ugliness.
  14.   Night-14 is an angel to testify that her prayers will tarawih and then without the person's reckoning.
  15.   Tonight is the 15th angel, throne and kursy read sholawat him.
  16.   Night-16 is to Allah will free him from the torment of Hell-fire and go to heaven.
  17.   Night-17 is to Allah will give reward like the reward which God gave to the Prophet.
  18.   Night of 18 is God's will meridho, Äôinya and both parents.
  19.   Night of the 19th degree is God will lift
  20.   Night-20 is to Allah Almighty will reward like the martyrs, AO and Solihin
  21.   Night-21 is to Allah would wake his house one day of light.
  22.   To-22 night at the Day of Judgment is the future people will not have lesusahan and confusion.
  23.   To-23 tonight is God going to give him a city in heaven.
  24.   Night of the 24th is God Almighty will grant 24 kinds do, aoa-do, Äôanya (request)
  25.   Night-25 is to Allah will free him from the punishment of the grave.
  26.   Night-26 is to Allah Almighty will reward a charity for 40 years.
  27.   Night-27 is to Allah will ease him through syi, munyambar Äôrat like lightning.
  28.   Night-28 is to Allah swt would raise the degree of her 1000 degrees one day in heaven.
  29.   Night of the 29th is God Almighty would give the reward as the reward of hajj 1000 times fulfilled.
  30.   Night-30 is to Allah Almighty will reign in heaven ate, bathed in the river and drink in the lake Salsabil Kautsar.
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Carambola Fruit Benefits

Carambola Fruit Benefits

Carambola is a uniquely-shaped tropical fruit, rich in water, and it feels fresh. Star fruit can be consumed as fresh fruit, salad, sweets, or fruit juice.
Fruit that has a latin Averrhoa carambola has a high nutrient content.
Let us consider the nutrient content leatherback below !
Total Nutrition
Vitamin A
Vitamin B1
Vitamin C
36,00 kal
0,40 g
0,40 g
8,80 g
4,00 mg
12,00 mg
1,10 mg
170,00 S.I
0,03 mg
35,00 mg
90,00 g

Carambola much-loved by the public either in the form of fresh fruit or after further processing into a variety of foods, such as jams, sweets, salad, and drinks.
In addition to the delicious and refreshing fruit to eat, starfruit is also efficacious as a remedy. Several types of diseases that can be treated with star fruit crops are as follows:
1.      High blood
Ways to treat high blood pressure by using star fruit star fruit is to eat constantly and regularly drink water or juice on a regular basis.
2.      Chickenpox
Chicken pox is varicella virus that causes the symptoms of inflammation of the skin in the form of translucent bubbles that appear in groups in various parts of the body.
Way of treating chicken pox with the leatherback is to make a concoction (recipe) the following:
Young leaves chopped starfruit and take the juice. Put a starfruit leaf extract on the skin or sores to relieve itching. Do 3 times a day, but do not rub-rub on the skin.
3.      Fever
State of increased body temperature above normal (hot) is called fever. To treat this with the starfruit is a way to make a concoction (recipe) as follows:
Boil 2 cups of star fruit has been cut into 2 liters of water for 10 minutes, then filtered water and chill for 2 hours. The water extract was used for a cold compress if the ice is not available.
4.      Influenza and sore throat
Method of treatment with the blender starfruit starfruit were washed as much as 100 grams. Strain and drink the water once a day. Perform routine.
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